
Friday, January 14, 2011

Free Music Fridays: Wax Unwound Compilation

Yesterday, one of my favorite used record stores had a huge sale. 20%-50% off all used merchandise.  I thought I would stop in for a few minutes, maybe pick up an item or two.  I was wrong.  I was blown away by the throngs of people.  There were dozens of audiophiles packed in the aisles.  You could barely move from the King Crimson section to the John Lennon section without shoving at least three people out of the way.  My quick browse turned into a stretched out hour of of music spelunking...and trust me, if I had a little metal miner's hat with a light on top, it would have been incredibly helpful.  After finally finding the music, I spent another 15 minutes in line.  There were at least 30 people in line.  What was going on?  People buying music?  This is unheard of.  Or not.  Yet, just more proof that the music industry isn't just thinks it is.

Here is a free compilation compliments of Exploding in Sound called Wax Unwound.  It features some great tracks by Pulled Apart By Horses, Black Mountain, Grandfather, Ty Segall, and the Twilight Singers.  And it's free!

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