- Suffragette City (Ziggy Stardust)
- Life on Mars? (Hunky Dory)
- Modern Love (Let's Dance)
- Ziggy Stardust (Ziggy Stardust)
- Rebel Rebel (Diamond Dogs)
- Moonage Daydream (Ziggy Stardust)
- China Girl (Let's Dance)
- The Man Who Sold the World (The Man Who Sold the World)
- Young Americans (Young Americans)
- Changes (Hunky Dory)
- Hang On To Yourself (Ziggy Stardust)
- Space Oddity (Space Oddity)
- Golden Years (Station To Station)
- Five Years (Ziggy Stardust)
- Andy Warhol (Hunky Dory)
- Song For Bob Dylan (Hunky Dory)
- The Width of a Circle (The Man Who Sold the World)
- Neighborhood Threat (Tonight)
- Bang Bang (Never Let Me Down)
- Jean Genie (Aladdin Sane)
- Blue Jean (Tonight)
- Sound and Vision (Low)
- DJ (Lodger)
- John, I'm Only Dancing (Ziggy Stardust)
- 1984 (Diamond Dogs)
- Cracked Actor (Aladdin Sane)
- Starman (Ziggy Stardust)
- Let's Dance (Let's Dance)
- Watch That Man (Aladdin Sane)
- Queen Bitch (Hunky Dory)
- Velvet Goldmine (Ziggy Stardust Deluxe Edition)
- Be My Wife (Low)
- Rock N Roll Suicide (Ziggy Stardust)
- Loving The Alien (Tonight)
- Fascination (Young Americans)
- Star (Ziggy Stardust)
- Heroes (Heroes)
- Let's Spend the Night Together (Aladdin Sane)
- Soul Love (Ziggy Stardust)
- All The Young Dudes (Aladdin Sane 30th Anniversary)
- Cat People (Let's Dance)
- Scary Monsters and Super Creeps (Scary Monsters)
- She's Got Medals (David Bowie)
- Diamond Dogs (Diamond Dogs)
- New York's In Love (Never Let Me Down)
- I'm Afraid of Americans (Earthling)
- Afraid (Heathen)
- Lady Stardust (Ziggy Stardust)
- Kooks (Hunky Dory)
- Black Country Rock (The Man Who Sold the World)
- Fame (Young Americans)
- Criminal World (Let's Dance)
- The Supermen (Hunky Dory Special Edition)
- Sunday (Heathen)
- Janine (Space Oddity)
- Secret Life of Arabia (Heroes)
- Strangers When We Meet (Outside)
- Growing Up (Diamond Dogs 30th Anniversary)
- Time Will Crawl (Never Let Me Down)
- Reality (Reality)
- The Bewlay Brothers (Hunky Dory)
- Drive In Saturday (Aladdin Sane)
- Oh! You Pretty Things (Hunky Dory)
- It's Hard To Be A Saint In City (Sound and Vision)
- Day-In Day-Out (Never Let Me Down)
- Breaking Glass (Low)
- Jump They Say (Black Tie White Noise)
- Time (Aladdin Sane)
- Panic In Detroit (Aladdin Sane)
- Seven (Hours...)
- Big Brother (Diamond Dogs)
- Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly (Space Oddity)
- Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere? (Pin-Ups)
- Rock N Roll With Me (Diamond Dogs)
- Cygnet Committee (Space Oddity)
- Tonight (Tonight)
- It Ain't Easy (Ziggy Stardust)
- You've Been Around (Black Tie White Noise)
- Letter To Hermione (Space Oddity)
- Slow Burn (Heathen)
- The Prettiest Star (7-inch version)
- Seven Years In Tibet (Earthling)
- I'm Deranged (Outside)
- Because You're Young (Scary Monsters)
- Always Crashing in the Same Car (Low)
- Little Wonder (Earthling)
- Outside (Outside)
- Beat of Your Drum (Never Let Me Down)
- The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (Hours...)
- Look Back in Anger (Lodger)
- Slip Away (Heathen)
- TVC15 (Station To Station)
- Teenage Wildlife (Scary Monsters)
- Black Out (Heroes)
- Bring Me The Disco King (Reality)
- New Killer Star (Reality)
- Johnny I'm Only Dancing, Again (7-inch)
- Pallas Athena (Black Tie White Noise)
- Quicksand (Hunky Dory)
- Station To Station (Station To Station)
- Fantastic Voyage (Lodger)
- Tumble and Twirl (Tonight)
- Uncle Arthur (David Bowie)
- Thursday's Child (Hours...)
- Magic Dance (Labyrinth)
- Wild Is the Wind (Station To Station)
- Dodo (Diamond Dogs Expanded Edition)
- Wild Eyed Boy From Free Cloud (Space Oddity B-Side)
- Bombers (Hunky Dory Special Edition)
- Don't Look Down (Tonight)
- When I Live My Dream (David Bowie)
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