Saturday, February 19, 2011

The 11 Best Songs By Radiohead (of the 00s)

Less than a week ago, the only thing anyone knew about a new Radiohead album were faint internet rumors.  It was coming!...was about the detailed extent of it.  We could hope it was sooner than later, but with Radiohead, it could be any day...or a year away.  Today, as I write this, the new Radiohead album is booming from my computer speakers.  The band announced a new album on Monday, and a mere five days later, it was available for all the world to buy.  With the all the big music news this week...including Arcade Fire's miracle win, new music by Green Day and Foo Fighters, and Justin Bieber's pregnancy plans for Selena Gomez, all anyone talked about was that a new Radiohead album was coming...because honestly...that's all that mattered.

The best thing about a new Radiohead album (if In Rainbows was any indication) was that the album was only the beginning of the digital musical floodgates.  Last time, we were treated to multiple live shows, a BBC show, a B-side album, a Remix album, and much more.  Let's hope they have similar plans this time around.

Here are the 11 Best Songs By Radiohead of the 00s:

1.      Knives Out (Amnesiac)
2.      How To Disappear Completely (Kid A)
3.      Where I End And You Begin (Hail To The Thief)
4.      Reckoner (In Rainbows)
5.      Idioteque (Kid A)
6.      Sit Down. Stand Up. (Hail To The Thief)
7.      Like Spinning Plates (I Might Be Wrong)
8.      Nude (In Rainbows)
9.      Last Flowers (In Rainbows CD2)
10.  A Punchup At A Wedding (Hail To The Thief)
11.  Jigsaw Falling  Into Place (In Rainbows)

Buy Radiohead's new album, King of!!


Anonymous said...

Great list. I guess i would've chosen mostly the same songs.

mgood27 said...

My favorite album is the bends I would of put at least a few songs from that your list is good and how do you choose just 11. There are so many songs to choose from. Must have been hard to narrow down. And the new album is good so far. Got it last night and have listened to it twice.

mgood27 said...

I just realized that the list is the best Radiohead of the 00's in that case I agree with your list totally.