There are certain people in this society that are loved and worshiped by many while at the same time, completely despised by others. For example...Bill O'Reilly. He is loved by millions of Americans. Many of his viewers take his exact words as Gospel. Those who abhor him think of him as devil in a blue suit. His opinions have caused countless arguments and even fist-fights among his fans and his dissenters. But love him or hate him...he's a very integral figure in our society. Last week, Bill was blasted by many for making some racist comments about black restaurants. If you listen to his radio interview, it's pretty obvious that his quotes were taken out of context. You can trust me on this, I'm not one who would normally come to Bill's defense. It didn't matter what Bill said...the media wanted him to sound like a racist a-hole, so they twisted his words to make them as derogatory as possible. On the flipside, last week, the right wing, once again started their onslaught of the "anti-American" propaganda aimed at Bruce Springsteen. It's amazing that the right wing, who claims to be unfairly crucified for their views would hold a grudge against Bruce Springsteen for over 20 years, all because he wouldn't let Ronald Reagan use "Born in the USA" for his campaign. And one of the people leading this anti-Bruce campaign...Bill O'Reilly.
As we prepare for In Rainbows....Here is the first of 3 Radiohead B-side albums: (Caisson Disease, Photographic Memory, and Out Monochrome). As with all b-side albums, in order to get me post the second part (the third part won't be complete until next year), you must buy the new album. And for all of you think I'm not checking...I am. That means you Walther, Damon, Alessandro, Kelwin, Ghillie, Xylia, Dorran, Zin, Jozlyn, and Englebertha.
Caisson Disease
1. Maquiladora
2. Killer Cars
3. India Rubber
4. Pop Is Dead
5. Faithless The Wonder Boy
6. Million $ Question
7. Yes I Am
8. Inside My Head
9. How Can You Be Sure?
10. Coke Babies
11. Banana Co.
12. Stupid Car
Man, you just made my day. I spent most of yesterday looking for some of these tracks to no avail, but this morning I find you've done all the work for me!
Thanks a ton. There's nothing better than Bends era Radiohead!
P.S. I've already ordered my copy of "In Rainbows"
Savefile is not letting me download any of the songs.
Savefile may have been down when you tried. I just tried from a different computer and had no problem.
i really appreciate your sentiments regarding bill oreily. intelligently put. a good article regarding free speech in america today: http://nymag.com/news/imperialcity/38948/
and thank you for the radiohead tracks. i already have them all, but the effort is nice.
Just bought my copy
ha ha, i get it:
"caisson disease" is a form of decompression sickness, and decompression sickness is colloquially referred to as "the bends.
"photographic memory" is, of course, what an "amnesiac" would not have.
and "out" and "monochrome" are just the semantic opposites of "in" and "rainbows".
also, i bought the album, and eagerly await your updates.
Hey - found your blog recently when searching for rare Iron & Wine songs, and now I've found you again. Thanks so much for posting this - I don't have any of these songs!
btw - listening to In Rainbows for the second time right now and I'm loving it.
Keep up the great work!
in rainbows is fantastic! thanks for posting these fun b-sides too.
I haven't heard these in ages, thanks for the revisit! ahh I'm on a radiohead binge and it feels so good!
I love the Radiohead B-sides but I just can't find the 'Out Monochrome' compilation on here.
wow. thank you so much. i love radiohead and i am so glad that you uploaded all these bsides.
Great selection. Now we just need the third part. ;) Please put MK 2 on it. Can't get that anywhere. :(
Your B-Sides collections are great! Have you put up Out Monochrome yet, and if so where can it be found? Thanks...
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