Is there anything more arbitrary than a Morrissey song? I thought I was in trouble when I tried to do a "best of" for Radiohead...but I luckily slid by that one unscathed. Maybe it was all the B-Sides I listed the day before. But picking the best Morrissey is like deciding which of your kids you like best. Better yet...deciding which Morrissey songs are the best is like deciding which of your kids to save from a burning building when you can only save one! That may seem like an exaggerated example...but have you seen Morrissey fans? If you spell his name wrong they'll castrate you on the spot.
Last night, I saw night 9 of Morrissey's 10-night stay at the Hollywood Palladium. This is the last concert series before the Palladium is demolished for possible remodeling...although the word is it may be turned into a mini-mall complete with a Dunkin Doughnuts and a Panda Express.
It's a very sad day for my live music viewing life. I have seen countless great shows at the Palladium (Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage, Foo Fighters, Rage Against The Machine, Green Day, Tool, Alice in Chains). This is a piece of my musical history...gone forever. Going out with Morrissey was almost poetic. I have never seen Morrissey, even though I've been a Smiths fan all my life. For lack of a better word...it was "perfect."
The 11 Best Morrissey Songs:
1. Tomorrow (Your Arsenal)
2. I Don't Mind If You Forget Me (Viva Hate)
3. Everyday is Like Sunday (Viva Hate)
4. Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself (Vauxhall and I)
5. We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful (Your Arsenal)
6. Will Never Marry (Bona Drag)
7. First of the Gang To Die (You Are The Quarry)
8. Suedehead (Viva Hate)
9. Sister, I'm A Poet (World of Morrissey)
10. The Youngest Was The Most Loved (Ringleader)
11. I Like You (You Are The Quarry)
"I Am Hated for Loving" is totally my fave Morrissey track. As far as The Smiths, has to be "There is a light that never goes out"
Like you say, chosing a Morrissey favourite tune is like picking your favourite child. For the Smiths this is even harder.
Find out for yourself has to be my fave though followed by Everyday is like Sunday - oh maybe not.
I saw at at the Hollywood Bowl in 1992. I was by chance staying in LA whilst travelling around the States and got offered a ticket for $5 - result.
I am from Manchester and I absolutley love him
My Top-11:
1). I've Changed My Plea to Guilty (Bona Drag)
2). I'm Throwing My Arms around Paris (Years of Refusal)
3). Everyday is Like Sunday (Viva Hate)
4). Suedehead (Viva Hate)
5). Trouble Loves Me (Maladjusted)
6). Nobody Loves Us (Southpaw)
7). Seasick, Yet Still Docked (Your Arsenal)
8). Alma Matters (Maladjusted)
9). Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself (Vauxhall & I)
10). The Ordinary Boys (Viva Hate)
11). Sister, I'm a Poet (World of Morrissey)
any list missing 'seasick, yet still docked' and 'i've changed my plea to guilty' can't be taken seriously in my opinion. You will find out what I mean when you listen to each track at least 100 times.
No list could be complete without "It's Not Your Birthday Anymore" and "First of the Gang to Die". The Lyrics and the way they are delivered are so good it gives me chills when I hear them.
1). I've Changed My Plea to Guilty (Bona Drag)
2). Everyday is Like Sunday (Viva Hate)
3). Suedehead (Viva Hate)
4). I'm Throwing My Arms around Paris (Years of Refusal)
5). Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself (Vauxhall & I)
6). Trouble Loves Me (Maladjusted)
7). Alma Matters (Maladjusted)
8). On the Streets, I Ran (Ringleader of the Tormentors)
9). Certain People I Know (Your Arsenal)
10). Nobody Loves Us (Southpaw Grammer)
11). Sweetie Pie - original version (b-side to 'I Just Want to See the Boy Happy')
I can't pick but do agree with 'Changed' this is quite rare (maybe not nowadays) but its a live early version with Steve Nieve and Mark Nevin and its still my favourite live TV performance ever, Moz or otherwise, there are better sound versions but the picture is really squashed...that last note!!
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