Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The 11 Best Songs By R.E.M. of the 00s

In 2001, Reveal was a vivid reminder of life in Hollywood.  A subtle soundtrack to city life.

In 2004, Around the Sun was the soundtrack to birth of my first child.

In 2008, Accelerate was the soundtrack of my second child.

I can't imagine my life without R.E.M. having some part of it.

Here are the 11 Best Songs By R.E.M. of the 00s:

1.  Final Straw (Around the Sun)
2.  Living Well Is the Best Revenge (Accelerate)
3.  Supernatural Serious (Accelerate)
4.  I'll Take the Rain (Reveal)
5.  Accelerate (Accelerate)
6.  All The Right Friends (In Time)
7.  Horse To Water (Accelerate)
8.  Leaving New York (Around the Sun)
9.  Man Sized Wreath (Accelerate)
10.  Imitation of Life (Reveal)
11.  Disappear (Reveal)

buy R.E.M.'s new album, Collapse Into!!

1 comment:

Brian@bothsidesofthecoin said...

It's great when you have a group that's a soundtrack to your life. Mine is Pearl Jam, always been there. Not for my kids being born, but for my commute to work. Interesting post.